Hi again
bet you thought Id given up...nope just a bit pre-occupied with doing lots of nothing. well actually sorting about birthday presents for a 50 year old male who'd like nothing better than bits of obscure metal, objects that he could mackle into whatever hes thinking off at that particular moment in time and then spend hours ( well it might be minutes but seems like hours) explaining to me what that particular microscopic component does amongst all the other bits of micromponents. which is a bit silly as IM still working on imperial measurements and millimetres and micromillimetres mean nothing to me ( Ok micromillimetres might not actually exist but to me they seem as probable as millimetres.
Yes Emma Im well aware there is no grammar in this blog but not bothered at minute.
OK what else havent I done..well I didnt vote. Actually that is a bit strange as through all my voting years I felt obliged to vote because a lot of people went through a lot of stuff to get me a vote but this year I decided that I had a right note to vote rather than waste a vote so I chose not to vote. Perhaps if someone in government decided that they take responsibility instead of blaming it on previous governments we might have a decent system but that is so not going to happen. Hey even I wouldnt mind getting into power if I could just turn round and say "T'aint my
fault he did it"
OH and according to the news today universities dont give value for money...dur no kidding.
What else well Ive actually managed to read 4 books this month which is vast improvement on last couple of years. But I have succumbed (stupid word to looks like lazy cucumber) 3 heavy colds within 2 months which have driven family bananas.
Lets see Im being very sympathetic with my daughter who' has her last exam tomorrow and is feeling pressure.
Son is still "looking" for job..ha ha he actually believes job centre is so called cos they will find him job otherwise why are they called job centres. Dont expect they are now its probably some high falutin name to give them sense of importance.
Right now Ive upset job centres, unis and governments I'll sign off.
The thing is with blogs you can be talking to yourself and nobody gives you strange looks.
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