Wednesday, 31 July 2013

Excuse me..we are a customer

Life is strange..this time last year give or take both my kids were somewhere else and now they are both back...

They are both now joining the hundreds of others job hunting..a soul destroying task for many kids these days. If the academic achievers cannot find work how are the less academic supposed to. I mean look at places like amazon warehouse all being done by computers and robots...oh how we love technology and advancement  but at what cost.

NO Im not a Luddite but we cant have advancement without the consequences. I mean look at the coal uncles, grandfathers, cousins worked in the mines but majority of families wanted better safer lives for their children and cheaper coal was preferred so bang goes the coal industry, steel industry, cotton industry, clothing industry in UK.  What do we manufacture in Britain now when it is cheaper in the third world.

Sorry wasnt going to get on my soapbox.......mind you was disappointed that the fact that people are naming their pets after OLYMPIC sports personalities is now classed as headline news to be talked about on BBC as if it as the same importance as news like change in law on assisted euthanasia.

Em has written brilliant blog about the treatment of customers in shops. We have sent three emails to various companies this weekend regarding attitudes, adverts and assumptive selling in various shops in Cambridge. I am not stupid and I expect to be at least listened to when I have a serious problem instead of which the assistant walked away when he saw that we needed help, was curt when answering my question and given that it could have been fraud did not even volunteer to check any information or advise on further investigation. I object to being ignored and I definitely object to be treated as though I was an idiot who really shouldnt be allowed out.

I was discussing this with 2 friends who had also had problems with staff in why dont we complain more often..I think because its time consuming, it's "not worth it".

Well I do and I am quite happy as is my daughter to help people who want to. I worked in a Sales Office and I made damn sure that all complaints were followed up usually by phone call and rectified. 

I am happy for shops just to apologise though sometimes they do send incentives to ensure you'd shop there again. I dont like the automatic apologies that mean they have looked at your email, letter but haven actually read it. If we dont change it, who will 

In the same area I have also sent letters of compliments, commendations to stores that have been really helpful or requested that staff are told when I have been impressed. Sorry thats not meant to sound as haughty as it does. One member of staff in a store went out her way and made it a really pleasant experience.. I thanked her personally but contacted the store to say how brilliant she was..well why not..we are happy to complain ( procedures of which are easier than  complimenting) so we should be just as happy to just doesnt happen as much.

OK finished my rant.....maybe the one person who reads this will hop on the wagon

Now Im pegging so gonna get cuppa
Enjoy your day  

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