Saturday, 12 January 2013

further waffle

Hi Again

My daughter says I need to spell check but given wording in my brain isnt right dont see why spelling should be perfect any way my laptop is temperamental and sometimes wont pronounce the "h" or perhaps I dont hit it hard enough.

Well went to the panto...boring, boring, boring..usually I just cringe but this one didnt even gain my attention at all. Still it took all day so better than working I suppose..though  I would beg to differ.

I actually hit my 2 stone weight loss this morning but having indulged in some ( well quite a lot) lemon sorbet ice cream ..tough if its a sorbet it cant be ice cream..anyway Ive probably gained what I lost overnight.

Now what else...oh yes...his lordship has been opening all is records that have arrived this week and the 2 LP  and 4 single storage cubes are almost full and Ive a feeling there is some yet to be delivered. In the meantime I have bought 2 singles as I quite liked the art work on the discs.

Snow has been predicted and we need to get organised as there are 4 of us in tis village and depending in which end of village depends as to whether you can get out..last year got of of my cul de sac a bit quicker than intended but car sulked and we ended up facing the wrong way..couldnt get any further anyway.

School decided it would be good idea for staff to go in and clear car park and entrances...with only two shovel/spades between us.    They do come up wit some strange ideas sometimes..half staff got phonecall to say school wasnt open.. I had one to say it wasnt, then it was, then it was for us to go and clear car park.

My daughter will be 21 on tuesday.....this is not big shock...bigger shock was when my sister discovered her son would be that did sneak up on her. His lordship will be 50 this year..think we will have to send for rescue party a he freaked at being 40.

Well that another blog full of nothing. And for my new friends who have joined me ...TOLD YOU SO

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