Today Im having a dressing gown day. The house is very quiet...Daughter back to Uni, Son in London or at least thats where he was heading...and his lordship (aka my husband) is at work. In theory I have lots of time to do all those things that we promise to do when there is nobody in the house...hmmm yep. It actually feels like a Sunday. Mind you the fact that my ME is not good today doesnt help.
Forgot to mention I have ME...good mind to put it on ebay and sell to highest bidder. Talking of ebay..his lordship is going through some sort of mid-life crisis and buying all those records he listened to as a teenager.....for those of a younger generation they are big black circles with a small hole in the middle. One day he will buy a player that actually works and doesnt suffer from boat wake.
Monday I am back at work..oh joy....dont get me wrong I love my job...well I did but now Im not convinced. Mind you I have to go to panto on Thursday...please note I DO NOT LIKE PANTOS..I have the urge to slip under the seat in front.. the trip is not optional.
Well back to the diet I suppose...dont worry Im not going to go on and on about the diet..actually if you want some interesting reading on diey and uni you need to go to my daughter blog and if I could work out how to link I would but my technical wizard help (aka my daughter) had gone back to uni.
Now i will have a go at winning some competitions...another thing I do...whivh proves Im an optimistic
I wish antbody who reads this A Happy New Year and anybody who doesnt can have one as well// Im not bias
You need to spellcheck mum. Here's my blog link